
Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I produced a freelance project in June/July which cut into my time but I still was working hard on multiple projects.

First off, "Brandon 2" has been filmed. That is not going to be the title. It actually has very little to do with the original Brandon. Now the long process of post productions and animation begins. The rough cut I have at the moment is about 7 minutes long and it has 4 minutes of animation. Most likely there will be more animation than that. My goal is to finish it by December. It's one to look forward to! There was no need for a kickstarter because I kept the budget low.
The Brandon re-design.

The villain.
This time Brandon is out in the real world.

In a diner.

My current project is called "Tennis with Martin". I'm hoping to finish it within the next few weeks. I'm still working on the audio but I have storyboarded it and begun animating. It's very similar to the Push Up Challenge video. Here are some of the early storyboards,

And my third project is a music video. It's an epic one and it has been a lot of fun to write. I do not know when it will be released. I hope before Brandon but I wouldn't be suprised if I didn't finish it until next year.

This is the earliest concept art for this video (this drawing is from May 2014). This video has been on my mind for awhile so I'm happy to finally be working on it!
A storyboard panel. Just experimenting with colors.

Another panel storyboard panel.
 So yeah, that's it for the big projects I'm working on. I may upload a short joke video or two because I hate going so long without releasing anything new.

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